Benefits of a Living Will Regardless of Your Age

22 November 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

One of the questions you may be asked when you visit a doctor's office or hospital is if you have a living will. This is something you may think you are too young for. You may also think your health is good and you do not need to have a living will. The truth is a living will can bring several benefits to your life, especially when emergencies occur. Here are a few of those benefits and what to know about each one. Read More 

Do You Plan to Get a Pet? 3 Pet Laws You Should Know About

24 August 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

Few things are as exciting as owning a pet. However, not all people have what it takes to own and take care of one. Therefore, the local authorities, together with the animal wellness organisations, put measures to minimise the chances of pets getting into the wrong hands and suffering. Before you get the puppy or kitten from a local breeder, it is important to read and understand the pet laws that work in your area. Read More 

Family Lawyer: 4 Situations When You Are Required to Update Your Will

12 May 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

One of the most important documents that you should get a family lawyer to help you prepare is your last will. If you have already prepared it, you have taken an admirable step in securing your family's future. However, if you wrote the will more than three years ago, consider assessing any changes in your life and how they could affect the execution process. Let a family lawyer go through the will to see if it needs to be updated based on your current needs. Read More 

Going Through a Divorce? 3 Reasons to Hire an Experienced Family Lawyer

19 February 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog

Generally, divorce is an overwhelming process. You'll be required to make time for court sessions, workout child custody and visitation formulae, fill loads of paperwork and gather all your financial records. It can be a back-breaking process, especially if you don't have so much time on your hands. When you get to this point, you might want to hire a family lawyer. The family lawyers experienced in divorce cases are competent in all the issues revolving around a divorce, ranging from child custody to division of property. Read More